The Naomi Cottoms Lifetime Achievement Award
The Naomi Cottoms “Shining Bright Light in the Darkness” Lifetime Achievement Award honors a CHW with at least twenty years of experience whose contributions to community, service, and the CHW movement embodies the legacy of Ms. Naomi Lynette Cottoms.
Nominee Qualifications
The award committee will consider the following criteria in selecting the 2024 “Light in the Darkness” award recipient:
- Nominee is a Community Health Worker with at least 20 years of experience.
- Specific information is provided about communities and populations served, health and service needs addressed, employment and/or volunteer work, national and/or international experience, etc.
- Nominee has demonstrated record of leadership in national, state, regional, and/or local CHW association(s), network(s), and/or organization(s).
- At least 2 examples are provided about nominee’s contributions to advancing health equity, social justice, civic engagement, service delivery, and/or program development.
- Details are provided about nominee’s organizational affiliations, community partnerships, leadership roles, publications, speaking credits, research contributions, awards, and/or other distinctions.
- Anecdotes are provided to highlight aspects of the nominee’s values of love, affirmation, humility, humor, determination, and accountability that help define the legacy of Naomi L. Cottoms.
The Award Process
CHWs meeting the qualifications can be nominated via the form below by 11:59 pm EDT on August 9th. Once received, nominations will be reviewed by a committee composed of founding members of the National Association of Community Health Workers (NACHW) Board and NACHW staff.
The CHW selected will be honored at the NACHW’s 5th Annual Meeting on August 21st and receive registration to the conference on August 22nd.
About Naomi Cottoms
Naomi Cottoms was deeply involved in creating the National Association of Community Health Workers (NACHW) and served as a pivotal leader of our organization from NACHW’s inception in 2014 to the time of her passing in 2024. She drew upon her vast experience to ground the planning of NACHW in the values of justice, service, community connection, and love. She brought light to the national CHW movement that will never be extinguished.
Ms. Cottoms was a committed and visionary CHW. She was the founder and director of the Tri-County Rural Health Network, based in her home of Helena, Arkansas, which employs CHWs to serve residents of the Mississippi Delta region. She also served as founder of the Arkansas Community Health Worker Association and led development of the first CHW training program in her state.
She served as a research partner with the University of Arkansas Medical Center, Dean of Student Affairs for Philander Smith College, and as a member of the National Institutes for Health (NIH) Council of Public Representatives. She published articles, spoke at national conferences, and received a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation National Community Health Leaders Award, among many other honors.
Ms. Cottoms was also a civic leader who led anti-poverty and housing projects and was appointed by the mayor to lead the city’s Racial Equality Task Force. She led an annual Thanksgiving food distribution, raising funds and organizing volunteers, including some of the NACHW founders who traveled from out of state to support the event. Food distribution was a critical lifeline to many families during the holidays. In addition to the turkeys and fixings, volunteers assembled food boxes that had enough food and paper goods for multiple meals for large families, and potentially a week or more of meals for smaller families and elders.
Ms. Cottoms served as a member of NACHW’s executive committee and chair of our nominating committee. She helped develop our organizational structure, bylaws, and operating systems, and helped identify leadership for the organization from across the country. She built support for the organization nationally and devoted countless hours to developing and sustaining NACHW, in sickness and in health.
By her own description, Naomi was a proud and humble Southern Black woman. She was candid. She was discrete. She was devout. When asked, “How are you doing?” at the beginning of a meeting, Naomi would invariably say, “I am grateful.” She brought a unique combination of gravity and humor to board deliberations. She had a strong sense of decorum and a firm commitment to accountability. She had an artist’s vision for how to inspire and include people in building the organization’s legacy.
Naomi conceived and led the ceremony that marked NACHW’s official founding at the organization’s launch in Las Vegas in April, 2019. With 900 people present, she led a procession into a darkened hotel ballroom, holding a candle aloft, and solemnly invited everyone in attendance to light their own candles. There we stood, bathed in light, bringing a new organization into existence. There were few dry eyes in the house as Naomi led the assembly in reciting NACHW’s founding oath, which she had principally authored. Naomi brought light to our organization, to the CHW movement, and to the world.
She lived in the light of God. We love her, we miss her, and we are grateful for her life.