National Association of Community Health Workers (NACHW) Annual Meeting and Unity Conference
Community Health Workers: The Workforce We Need for the World We Want
UNITY Day 2 Morning Session
9:00 – 10:30 am CDT
- Regional Affinity Groups: During breakfast NACHW would like to invite states and/or regions to come together with facilitators to connect, network, and plan future advocacy goals.
BREAK 10:30 – 10:45 am CDT
Exhibit Hall Open for Presentations, Market, and Booths
10:00 am – 12:00 pm CDT

BREAK 12:00 – 12:15 pm CDT
Lunch with Keynote
12:15 – 2:00 pm CDT
BREAK 2:00 – 2:15 pm CDT
Workshops Round A
2:15 – 3:30 pm CDT
Choose from one of the following workshops.
Prácticas de autocuidado espiritual para la estabilidad y fortalecimiento integral” En esta sesión la exponente compartirá su experiencia personal y conocimientos sobre la conveniencia de ver y abordar todo lo que nos sucede, en las diferentes áreas de nuestra vida, desde una perspectiva positiva y de autoaprendizaje constante. También hablará acerca de la importancia y los beneficios de practicar en todo tiempo y circunstancia la gratitud, y cómo podemos adquirir este buen hábito, concluyendo con una disertación sobre el tema del perdón y la necesidad de practicarlo con honestidad a otros y tambien a uno mismo.
Since 2015, Siloam Health has successfully managed a Community Health Worker program that targets immigrant and refugee communities in Nashville, TN. This program utilizes the IMPaCT CHW model developed by the Penn Center for CHWs. We will discuss how CHWs participate in collecting evaluation
data during clinical and home visits. CHWs play a crucial role in collecting health outcome data as trusted members of a patient’s care team. Equipping CHWs to be a part of evaluation efforts can involve collecting both qualitative and quantitative patient data, conducting focus groups, administering surveys, creating data tracking systems, and disseminating results to key stakeholders . This is in concordance with the core CHW competencies identified by the C3 Project. As an example, we will use health outcome data from a partnership with a local university to illustrate the effectiveness of our program, how we engage CHWs in research, and how we plan to share back this evaluation with patients to promote program participation.
The Healthy Corner Store Program aims to support neighborhood stores through local partnership and capacity building to promote and increase equitable access to fresh fruits and veggies where our community members live, work, and play. The Healthy Neighborhoods Program operates the program within the City of San Antonio’s Metro Health Department in partnership with Big State Produce and owners of the member stores across San Antonio.
The program uses a mixed methods approach of surveys, geospatial analysis, and interviews to map food deserts in San Antonio and Bexar County. In addition, the program works closely with CHWs to determine what fruits and veggies individuals would most like access to in their neighborhoods. To facilitate this process, a Healthy Corner Store Toolkit was created to assist CHWs in locating and assessing potential member stores, including community engagement strategies.
By the end of the presentation, participants will be able to draw on the Healthy Corner Stores CHW Tool Kit to identify food desserts and locate potential member stores in their community. The project also has practical applications for community members seeking to inform food policy, promote healthy nutrition practices, as well as manage health disparities among historically marginalized populations.
Building CHWs’ capacity to galvanize support for CHW-related legislation, at both the state and federal levels, is critical to protecting the integrity of their professional identities, ensuring fair compensation for their work, and advancing equity across the spectrum of organizations they are employed in. From 2020 to present, Project CHAMPP (Community Health Workers Advocating for Movement in Policy and Practice), an 8-person group composed of community health workers, researchers, policy analysts, and representatives from philanthropic organizations, has convened to 1) inform, and advocate for, the development of federal legislation to create sustainable financing for the CHW workforce; 2) gain skills in effectively communicating with healthcare payors, policymakers, philanthropic organizations, leaders of community-based organizations, and other key stakeholders; 3) create guardrails to hold employers accountable for creating environments that are conducive to CHWs’ personal and professional success; and 4) increase our knowledge about the processes underpinning legislation development procedures. We propose a 75-minute workshop that describes facets of our multistakeholder coalition, which can serves as a model for cultivating meaningful collaborations between CHWs and their allies across academia, philanthropy, and policy. Through this workshop, we will showcase the ways in which we leveraged our individual strengths to optimize our collective impact.
Marginalized communities are disproportionately impacted by inequitable health, educational and economic impacts, and this was exemplified during the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, communities of color tend to be underserved in rural communities. The HMong and Hispanic Communications Network (H2N) was established to address the inequitable health impacts of particular underserved communities in rural, central WI, Hispanic and HMong populations. Presenters will highlight the AHmong Us program, which supports youth of color who are interested in pursuing a career in the health field. Presenters will also share how H2N collaborates with partners to support efforts to diversify the health workforce in rural communities, and build capacity of its CHW staff.
VIVIR was developed in response to Florida’s lack of linguistically and culturally competent information during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Rural Women’s Health Project developed VIVIR, a comprehensive program to address health inequities experienced by Latinos during the pandemic. The heart of the strategy included capacitating Promotores de Salud to fill the void in information and mobilize community access to COVID-19 testing and vaccines. In this session, we will discuss the role the Promotores played in reaching rural Latino communities.
With 7 Promotores working in 6 counties of rural North Central Florida, we reached over 7,000 community members through 11 mixed health and rights campaigns and facilitated vaccination for over 2,000. Our Promotor de Salud programming has provided preventive health education and responds to
community needs by linking members to services and to Project Salud, our in-house referral hotline. In doing so, Promotores have played a key role in developing community members’ health literacy and bridging service gaps. From this session, Promotores and allies will walk away with concrete strategies to reach Latino populations, particularly those who are living in rural communities.
This session will interactively engage attendees in dialogue for how to strengthen CHW networks by providing an overview of the Southeast CHW Network which guides initiative development to ensure resources and opportunities are targeted where needed most. First established in 2021, the SE CHW Network has yielded substantial results by connecting CHWs and allies from over 30 organizations in 11 states. Led by CHWs with expertise in developing CHW programs and organizational capacity building, the SE CHW Network aims to advance equity through fortification of partners and emergent networks across the Southeast US, in addition to the expansion of skill-building training around health and racial equity. While the focus of the SE CHW Network is the Southeastern region of the United States, attendance of the virtual meetings and the 2022 in-person summit held in Birmingham included CHW leaders from the western and northern regions of the US that contributed to the conversations for how to best apply our skillsets and further our workforce as a whole. We invite attendees to bring their questions, successes, stories, and concerns to our session to be able to contribute toward and benefit from this shared learning space that will be “by us, for us.”
Data collection and outcome measurement are important strategies to advance health equity and improved health for individuals and communities and Community Health Workers (CHW) play a key role in this pursuit. However, assessment and data collection is often viewed as complicated, a burden, and as taking too much time. This session seeks to reframe that perception and provide the opportunity to practice simple, yet effective data collection and data usage strategies. Data collection, synthesis, and usage from a CHW, supervisor, administrator and funder perspective will be presented. Attendees will practice developing and framing questions needed to complete a community needs assessment, the implementation of SWOT analysis, active listening skills, and how to present data for maximum impact.
- Attendees will list strategies needed to complete a community needs assessment to identify community driven, equitable health solutions.
- Attendees will practice active listening strategies that can be utilize when assessing health status and behavior.
- Attendees will evaluate organizational structure and identify strengths and risk factors within organizations as it relates to assessment, data collection, and reporting.
- Attendees discuss data collection from CHW, supervisor, administrator, funder, and policy perspective.
As part of ASTHO National Advisory Committee on Adult Vaccination Equity, NACHW recruited and assemble 10 CHWs who work/lived in the local communities of the ASTHO community action team (CAT) of the Learning Community Group (LCG) to participate in virtual community site visits to provide input and gather feedback to develop action plans and a toolkit.
For this workshop, two of the CHW leaders in this project will share what they learned about adult vaccination, best practices, and share some tools for increasing adult vaccination including, a flyer, toolkit, and social media graphics.
Diabetes is a national public health crisis, and many efforts are ongoing to improve the outcomes of those living with or at risk for Type 2 diabetes. CHWs Reducing Diabetes in SC project aims to build the capacity of 5 federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) across SC.
To improve the diabetes prevention and management (DPM) of high-risk patients, a chronic disease specialty track training was developed to provide support to CHWs working in DPM. Additionally, a learning collaborative was developed to provide opportunities for peer learning and sharing among the five FQHCs participating in the project.
A 4-hour pilot training was developed in partnership with ADCES. Following the pilot training, a feedback session was held with those who attended. The training was restructured into a 20-hour curriculum for CHWs. To date, 27 CHWs have been trained with demand for increased training opportunities. Additionally, 5 learning collaborative sessions to provide ongoing coaching on best practice implementation of the CHW model have been conducted.
Based on the results of several major research studies, including the NDPP, building the capacity of CHWs continues to be a promising approach to improving the outcomes of high-risk populations most impacted by chronic conditions.
As a part of our COVID-19 Project ECHO for CHWs we invite the CHWs to join a postECHO workgroup designed to collaboratively develop a COVID-19 and health equity presentation for their communities. Using an indigenous transformational framework, Xinachtli, the purpose of this project is to leverage the CHWs’ intrinsic abilities to collectively develop and evaluate their community presentations.
Eleven CHWs across South Texas met with the ST-AHEC team weekly in our first workgroup. The workgroup structure includes two complementary components. The first component is the development of the curriculum, implementation, and evaluation. The group chose the following topics: vaccine education, vaccine hesitancy, sharing stories about vaccines, and providing outreach information. For the second component, we integrated the Xinachtli Program, a healing program based on indigenous teachings that follows Freire’s Educational Pedagogy. The intent of incorporating the Xinachtli Program is to develop connections, share personal stories, and dismantle false histories by discovering the authentic stories of their ancestors’ strengths and wisdom.
A qualitative program evaluation was used to explore the experiences of the CHWs during the workgroup. Individual interviews were conducted to better understand the CHWs perceptions of working collaboratively to develop a presentation for their communities.
Community Health Workers (CHWs) have a specialized, yet wide range of skills that may be utilized in a plethora of ways in various settings. These settings may include private-sector, governmental, clinical, and community-based organizations. In clinical settings, CHWs may work in mental health facilities, substance use disorder programs, nursing homes, or healthcare clinics. Conversely, CHWs may work in community settings at non-profit organizations, faith-based organizations, or neighborhood coalitions/associations. The proficiency of CHWs may also be utilized in positions at local or state public health departments or other governmental agencies, as well as for-profit entities or academic institutions. Across all settings, CHWs may hold unique position titles like health educators, navigators, advisors, counselors, patient/people representatives, or promotores. The flexibility of CHWs allows for innovative approaches to integrating their skills across sectors. This interactive CHW-led workshop will apply C3 competencies and Common Indicators frameworks to explore known CHW roles and ideate around non-traditional roles with participants. Attendees will have the opportunity to apply knowledge gained from this session in their career goals, respective settings, and potential paths.
Perhaps you’ve heard the quote, “If Mama ain’t happy, ain’t no one’s happy.” And maybe you’ve also heard an addendum to that —“If Grandma ain’t happy, run!” The fact is, there’s a lot of truth to those statements. Why? Women are uniquely designed to be caregivers. Some common characteristics of women—particularly of mothers and grandmothers—include: gracious; leader; steadfast; honest; thoughtful; generous; wise; hospitable; temperate; humble; adaptable; compassionate; teachable; peacemaker; and busy. Maybe we should have started with busy. Does this list sound familiar? If you are a CHW, you probably read this list and affirmed each characteristic as one CHWs exhibit as well. The literature well-documents the effectiveness and numerous roles of CHW. However, the literature also reports burn-out as a common reason for turnover in CHW positions. CHWs need to take care of their homes, their families, their children—before they can fully serve those around them. If Mama is happy, those she serves as a CHW will be happier as well. This session will focus on simple, doable tips for CHWs who are moms, grandmothers, aunts, or caregivers, with the intention to assist CHWs in taking care of their “home” business so they can better serve their “community” business. Specifically, the session will include hands on activities and open dialogue where mama CHWs can get real and help each other out with their own tips and life lessons learned. Tips will cover topics such as healthy eating, exercise, organization, cleaning, and relationships.
BREAK 3:30 – 3:45 pm CDT
Workshops Round B
3:45 – 5:00 pm CDT
Choose from one of the following workshops.
Mental health needs of communities of color require renewed attention and effort. Black and Indigenous People of Color face greater systemic barriers to accessing care, and some choose not to seek help due to pervasive stigma. Mobile health clinics are uniquely positioned to address this unmet need among underserved populations due to their flexibility and community-based approach.
The Family Van, a mobile clinic operated by Community Health Workers (CHWs), has served Boston’s most historically under-resourced neighborhoods for over 31 years. Through its sister organization, Mobile Health Map, The Family Van is a leader in the mobile health sector and improves the work of mobile clinics in providing equitable care nationwide. In 2021, The Family Van launched Healthy Roads, a community-based wellness support program to screen, enroll and refer clients experiencing mental health distress. Led by CHWs, Healthy Roads utilizes a culturally and linguistically responsive care model promoting health from head to toe.
During this workshop, we will share how we adapted the World Health Organization’s evidence-based Problem Management Plus curriculum to address stigma and support mental wellbeing. We will discuss successful strategies, including community-based and stakeholder-engaged practices and the critical role of CHWs in expanding access to quality mental health care.
We will define self care and community care. We will define Harm Reduction. We will explore mindfulness tools we can use in our work spaces when creating safe spaces, combating micro aggressions, and substance use. How to have difficult conversations on race, class, gender identity, disability and sexuality. Creating an Action Plan for a CHW.
This session will provide techniques and tips for implementing yoga and meditation at the office, in the car, or anywhere you find yourself during the day.
D. Estrategias de Desarrollo de Capacidad Communitaria con un énfasis en la Educación y Salud Mental
La Asociación de Promotores de Salud de Virginia los invita a participar en el taller educativo que desarrolla temas relacionados con el desarrollo de capacidad comunitaria por medio de la enseñanza o educación a miembros comunitarios.
Las estrategias desarrolladas tendrán un énfasis en salud mental pero pueden ser aplicados a nivel general. Como promotores de salud, nuestra impacto a largo plazo tiene muchísimo más efecto cuando educamos y proveemos herramientas en las manos de lideres comunitarios e individuos impactados por los problemas a resolver.
En esta sesión los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de:
- definir el significado del desarrollo de capacidad comunitario.
- analizar el impacto que tienen los módulos educativos en comunidades.
- informar a líderes e individuos afectados sobre alternativas o soluciones a sus problemas.
- visualizar el impacto de la salud mental en comunidades en EUA previo, durante y después de la pandemia.
- reconocer estrategias claves para motivar e informar a nuestras comunidades acerca de ciertos riesgos.
- identificar herramientas para el manejo y control de la salud mental.
- evaluar y responder a dilemas comunitarios.
Si estás interesado (a/e/x) en aprender técnicas y estrategias para fomentar el desarrollo de la capacidad en tu comunidad. Y al mismo tiempo quieres invertir y capacitar a líderes e individuos comunitarios por medio de módulos educativos que promueven la salud mental en nuestras comunidades. Y si respondiste si a las afirmaciones presentadas. Entonces, esto suena como algo que no te puedes perder. Nos vemos pronto y recuerda regístrate!
Despite strong evidence of the CHW role in addressing health inequities, improving health outcomes, and reducing healthcare spending, the sustainability of the CHW role in Pennsylvania (PA) remains at risk without a long-term financing structure. Through the PA CHW Collaborative, CHWs and allies from across PA have been implementing a CHW-led, grassroots campaign to advocate for sustainable financing for PA CHWs. In 2022, the Collaborative launched the CHW Employer survey, which found that 58% of PA CHW employers rely on short-term grants to fund CHW positions (N=78). PA Physical Health Managed Care Organizations (PH-MCOs) have latitude to incorporate CHWs through the PA HealthChoices Community Based Care Management program, but only 13% of CHW positions represented in the survey are currently financed through PH-MCO contracts. CHW and allies from the PA CHW Collaborative and PA CHW Association developed a formal brief outlining the background, survey results, and recommendations for long-term financing solutions in PA. This development led to the Collaborative’s current engagement with state legislators and state officials to advocate for sustainable financing for CHWs through Medicaid and Managed Care Organization contracts. We will discuss learnings from our effort, our 2023 survey results, and the next phase of our approach.
We know that a diverse, equitable, and inclusive CHW is a more innovative and successful one. Across the CHW workforce, we embrace diversity of background, perspective, culture, and experience, and together with our partners the Red Rover project will offer the opportunity to CHWs to be community leaders and help community members embrace DE&I.
The Sembrando Amor project is a collaboration between community experts with lived experience, community health workers, and action researchers. The aim was to design an in-depth, inclusive, and equitable participatory process to understand the experiences, stories, and priorities of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) parents and to share their expertise in their own words and images. Partners utilized participatory action research methods to share, visualize, and use expert stories as evidence of their experiences with the health care system. Key messaging, cartoons, photos, and priorities for community and clinical spaces were developed by Community Experts and presented in Photovoice exhibits, a panel discussion, and a cartoon Zine. Qualitative data were recorded,
transcribed, coded, and analyzed to support the overall action research process. The priority areas for improvement included creating supportive nursing spaces in public and private places and decreasing stigma around nursing in public; engaging partners of birthing people; highlighting intergenerational knowledge; creating sustainable, culturally-informed, and linguistically-diverse education, resources, and systemic support; accounting for the specific challenges facing BIPOC parents; and increasing access to doulas and birthworkers. The stories that emerged encourage institutions to change policy and attitudes and promote cultural and linguistic competency for more equitable outcomes.
With decreasing pandemic funding for Community Health Worker (CHW) initiatives as community health needs persist, strategic public-private partnerships can bolster the sustainability of the CHW workforce. Public health departments and private philanthropies each bring unique assets and limitations. The former has expansive community reach and program leadership experience, whereas the latter offers implementation flexibility and adaptability. Intentional alignment will maximize limited resources, capacity, and breadth of services to support the CHW workforce. A public health department and several local health philanthropies serving suburban Cook County, Illinois are building a partnership to test this approach, recognizing their overlapping vision, strategies, and stakeholders. With support from a backbone organization and a CHW-led training provider, these organizations are navigating the challenges and opportunities of building a public-private partnership to sustain the local CHW workforce.
In this workshop, we will share what made this approach mutually attractive, how partners are leveraging their organizational strengths and managing differences for future collaboration. We invite CHWs and allies to share their experiences with building cross-sector partnerships, and to collectively develop strategies for advancing public-private partnerships for CHW sustainability in their regions.
The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated existing fault lines around inequity. Almost overnight CHWs pivoted from a home-based to a remote, telehealth model. While the pandemic magnified a “digital divide” and inequities in health care for communities bearing the highest burdens of chronic diseases, and exposed power differentials between the CHW workforce and large health care systems, it also highlighted the importance and agility of community-based CHW organizations in bridging these gaps. How might Community Based Organizations, Federally Qualified Health Centers, and philanthropy work together to bridge the digital divide while creating a viable model of care coordination during a transition to value-based care? Attendees will gather lessons learned from a patient-centered, technology-based care coordination model implemented by AIRnyc and Sun River Health with support from the NY Health Foundation. Against the backdrop of the pandemic, this innovation sought to build health literacy and telehealth navigation skills among high-risk patients, while testing the model’s viability under NYSDOH Social Determinants of Health and Value-Based Payment requirements. This dialogue-based session will reflect on the opportunities and constraints encountered by patients, CHWs and SRH, and how the program pivoted. Using scenario planning, we will speculate on possible
iterations of this model in a post-pandemic world.
Living in a rural area without having appropriate telecommunications such as a radio station, news channel and newspaper in their own native language, makes it very difficult to reach communities of color. Community members from diverse backgrounds need a reliable source of information and resources. It takes time for them to trust an organization and to openly talk about their needs. Hmong and Hispanic Community coordinators and community health workers (CHWs) reach out to community members in several ways to establish trust and stay up to date on new information, resources, protocols, regulations and guidelines concerning COVID-19 and vaccinations. These resources are then provided to community members in their own language.
The Hmong and Hispanic Communication Network (H2N) collaborates with public health organizations, health systems, resource agencies, and community organizations to provide Hmong and Hispanic communities with resources and tools to improve health outcomes and reduce health disparities.
In this session, participants will know how CHWs can establish strong relationships and connections to provide future support and aid to underserved populations. They will also learn how to encourage community members to share their concerns and ideas, which allows CHWs to better understand and serve these communities.
This workshop session will focus on implementing ways to improve the health of the community by learning to create a sustainable food source to address the social determinants of health. participants will:
- Understand, describe and identify what a food desert is and the impact it has on the health and wellness of individuals living in the community and the community as a whole.
- Learn the benefits of sourcing locally grown fresh fruits and vegetables
- Learn the importance of learning how to grow and cultivate their own sustainable food source
- Understand the impact of learning how to grow their own sustainable food source has on their health, the health of their families and how it improves the health of their community
- Learn how to get involved in efforts such as this in their communities or start their own initiative to create and implement these activities where they live.
Si se trata de nosotros, de nuestra comunidad allí vamos a estar. If it is about us and our community, we will be there. Promotoras, Community Health Workers and Community Health Representatives are the expert in their own workforce needs, community needs and have championed local, state and national paving the way hacia una vida digna y sana, toward a healthy and dignified life. In this session we will highlight and engage participants through a participatory, dynamic and energizing session highlighting local, state and national advocacy efforts and identifying ways to collectively continue to create pathways for coordinated P/CHW/R systems change by highlighting the critical advocacy work already taking place led by promotoras. Join us as we share popular education “recipes” energizing dinamicas to capture and share our own advocacy stories and vision for systems change!
Adrianna (Annie) Evans and Margaret Nilz from the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) will present an introduction to principles of disability inclusion including:
- An overview of ASTHO’s work on disability inclusion in efforts to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Insights from lived experience to include the needs of people living with disabilities in the COVID-19 response
- An introduction to disability policy
- Insights on how to connect with and work with the community.
- The importance of plain language
- Resources and partnerships
Participants will be invited to engage at various times during the presentation and reflect on how the new learnings may impact their work in addressing the health needs of their communities.
Since 2010, the Asian and Asian American community in the Austin metropolitan area has almost doubled in size and is now the fastest-growing demographic group in Austin. Despite this exponential growth, organizations and institutions struggle to understand and serve a population encompassing a vast number of countries, cultures, languages, and histories.
In this session, CHWs and leaders from AACHI and Austin Public Health will share the importance of linguistically affirming care, how organizations can implement their own language access plan, and lessons learned from a grassroots nonprofit on their development to implementation of their Language Access Plan to serve Asian immigrant communities in Central Texas.
Training Sessions
2:15 – 4:30 pm CDT
Choose from one of the following facilitated trainings.
Adapted from our full 2 day certificate program. This exciting customized intensive workshop helps build skills for new and existing supervisors of front line staff. Whether you are a CHW interested in leading a team or an existing CHW supervisor, this certificate training will help you grow. Each class is customized to meet the needs of the individuals and organizations. All training materials are included.
For Latinx people, community is a cornerstone for emotional health and wellness. Unfortunately, most mental health programs tend to overlook the natural wisdom of the community and how community and culture can be sources for healing. Therefore, we created a program that honor the work of the community and recognizes the power of community health workers (CHWs) and community leaders in supporting emotional and mental health and wellness of Latinx. This presentation will illustrate our Community Liberation program focused on equipping and empowering CHWs to address the mental health needs of the Latinx community. Over 120 CHWs have been trained in Oregon in this model. After their participation, CHWs had an increased sense of community and trust related to mental and emotional health and improved knowledge, information and skills about mental health. Also, they demonstrated greater abilities to identify when oneself or others need mental health support and resources.
Participating in research and evaluation is one of the recognized core roles of CHWs per the CHW Core Consensus Project. While CHWs are widely involved in collecting data for research studies, it is still relatively rare for CHWs to be involved in all phases of research and evaluation, from identification of research questions and approaches to analysis of data and dissemination of results.
In this interactive workshop, facilitators will use popular/people’s education methods to support participants to increase their familiarity and comfort with key research terminology and concepts. Together, the group will identify key benefits of CHW involvement in research. Finally, facilitators will use a case study to allow participants to experience and build skills in key aspects of the cycle of research and evaluation. Participants will come out of the workshop with increased confidence to be involved in research and to advocate for their own involvement.
During the pandemic, CHWs had to quickly adapt to be part of the community emergency response team. AzCHOW’s Training Center encountered numerous requests to address the needs of a community in crisis; resulting in the Emergency Preparedness for CHWs training; this workshop includes what we consider essential in preparing CHWs as lead agents in the community’s emergency response, taking into consideration the relationship of trust they already have with the communities they serve. AzCHOW Training Center has a systematic training approach in which CHWs are prepared before the event, with specific training that provides them with the necessary knowledge and tools to respond during an emergency, and additional training focused on community recovery after the emergency. The information can be adapted to different types of emergencies: weather-related, terror attacks, health-related, accidents/or negligence. One of the Covid-19 pandemic’s learning experiences is that it helped us identify areas in which further CHW training is highly necessary, this training model involves a multidisciplinary approach that will help build the CHW’s capacity and confidence to lead the community’s recovery efforts from any type of crisis.
The World Health Organization (WHO), and many other health entities are realizing that where a person is born, raised, plays, works, ages, and dies; and the barriers around these areas, are tied closely to the health of that individual. These Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) have become the focal point of new developments in patient care, but how do you identify these social determinants of health? SODH appears as barriers that a person must overcome that prevent them from attaining adequate access to health care.
With the help of Community Health Workers (CHW’s)/Promotores, many Community Health Centers (CHCs), have been able to identify SDOH barriers and help individuals acquire resources or assistance to address these barriers that are preventing a healthy living. A SDOH screening tool may be utilized as a CHW intake form with a patient who arrives at the clinic. The screening form may cover a range of SDOH barriers that include but are not limited to health care access, transportation, safe housing, living expenses, food insecurity, education, and employment. It is essential for a CHW to follow-up on the resources or assistance provided to overcome these barriers.
As community health representatives (CHRs) and members of an American Indian or Alaska Native (AI/AN) community, we occupy a unique position that serves as a bridge between other community members and healthcare providers.
This workshop/training helps you learn how to use your identity and how to re-awaken your cultural self-awareness and your position to become an effective leader in your community that promotes and improves the health and well-being of your community.
Even if you have never seen yourself as a leader before, you will discover how models of health and well-being, and leadership styles help you become an influential leader as a CHR serving in your community. You will learn how to identify skills and personal qualities you already have that inspire others to take the actions they need to improve their lives and health. Lastly, you will also learn how you have already practiced leadership in your role as a CHR.
The C3 Project team intends to provide a hands-on interactive training session where CHWs and allies can collaborate together through a mapping/gap analysis exercise aligned to the C3 project roles and competencies. Participants will be using different job descriptions and work through a mapping worksheet to cross check their understanding of the application of the C3 project core roles and competencies. In addition, participants will have an opportunity to engage in a self-assessment to identify strengths in roles played and gaps in roles played. Participants will be divided into two groups: Applying for and sustaining work in the CHW role and hiring and recruiting CHWs. Group discussions will allow participants to share and learn from each other in identifying resources to address necessary gaps in their career development. CHW allies will also have an opportunity to develop a job description aligned to the C3 core roles and competencies. C3 Project also intends to use this session to identify gaps in current roles and competencies.
BREAK 5:00 – 5:15 pm CDT
Closing Session
5:15 – 5:45 pm CDT
Join us back in the ballroom one last time for closing remark and thank-yous from NACHW’s Executive Director and other guests.